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School Clubs

Before and After School Club - 'River Club'

Our River Club offers Breakfast from 7.30am and after school care from 3.20 – 6.00pm. To register please complete the River Club Registration Form.

Breakfast Club

Access to Breakfast Club is at the front of the school. It has its own entrance at the left-hand side of the building. Here you will find a doorbell, and when pressed a member of staff will come out to collect your child/children. Breakfast Club starts at 7:30.


Collection from Riverclub is from the Filston Lane car park. There is a bell by the double gates, when pressed a member of staff will come to let you in. Riverclub finishes at 6.00pm.

Tel: 07999 960475


Extra-Curricular Clubs

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for different age groups which take place before school, at lunch times and after school from 3.20 -4.00pm, 4.15pm or 4.20pm. Clubs are announced at the beginning of the year to apply for places.  Clubs run by our staff are free and those run by external providers incur a charge.

High quality clubs and activities are an essential part of school life. They provide opportunities to enrich children’s experiences beyond the curriculum and are an excellent medium to foster good relationships between staff, pupils and parents. They develop children’s social skills by providing a forum of interaction between children across different ages and schools. Clubs and activities are matched to our staff’s expertise and interest and make the most of the resources we have in school.  

Over 85% of all of our pupils attend a club each week.

We are often able to offer a wide range of activities including Construction, Interactive Maths, Dance, Computing, Tennis, Glee, Football and Yoga; please check the timetable below for the latest list of school clubs