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Friends of Shoreham School (FOSS) is the PTA at Shoreham Village School and as a new member of our community you are automatically a member of our PTA in whatever capacity you can manage to participate. Whether you bake cakes, donate or come along and support our events, decide to be a class rep or even sit on the committee, everything you can do to help makes a huge difference to the children of this school.
The role of FOSS is to help bring together parents, carers, teachers and pupils for social events to help build the community within Shoreham Village School. Most of these events help to raise money to provide additional items for the school that enhances the children’s fun and stimulating learning environment. For example, in previous years, we have managed to raise funds that have been spent on new library furniture, a brand new interactive white board, computers and software, Numicon (numeracy learning tools), digital cameras, fun stuff for their disco like flashing necklaces plus we try to support the school and children by funding a variety of school trips.
We are extremely conscious of the ethos and morals of our school and community and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this.  Not all of our events are run as fundraisers, our children’s school disco, Christmas and summer socials are run with the sole aim of giving the children and parents a good time and as a way of thanking families for their continued support and bringing them together to get to know each other better.
FOSS is really about much, much, more than just fundraising, it can be very daunting starting at a new school and not just for the kids, FOSS is a great way get to know the other children and parents/carers better in a relaxed fun atmosphere and every penny that the PTA raise is spent directly on resources for the children, which in an economy of ever decreasing funding and budgets for schools is a great thing.

If you would like any more information please contact us at