We feel that it is very important and a vital part of the children’s social education, that as a school, we insist on the best table manners and a high standard of behaviour at the dining table to ensure a pleasant experience for all.
Pupils can have either a school meal or bring their own packed lunch. Our school meals are provided by a catering company called CH&Co Education who they ensure a nutritionally balanced menu is available each day. Parents/carers are required to register and choose their child's meal from the selection available.
All children have their lunch between 12.00 and 12.30pm. The children eating a cooked school meal are seated at the same table each day with older children and staff available to help younger children.
Children eating a packed lunch eat together and are expected to bring a nutritionally balanced meal with them. Cans and bottles are not permitted and we ask parents to avoid providing crisps and chocolate to help us to maintain our ‘Healthy School’ status. We are a nut free school and packed lunches must be nut free so that we can support our children with nut allergies. For example, no peanut butter sandwiches.
Free School Meals
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a daily free school meal as part of the government's current Universal Free School Meal offer and pupils in Years 3 to 6 need to pay for their meal unless parents/carers have applied for and been given free school meal status. We encourage all parents who think they may qualify for free school meals to apply as this can trigger additional funding to support children's learning.
Applying for free school meals - Families in receipt of Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit are encouraged to apply for Free School Meals. Application forms are available from the school office on request or parents can log on to to check their eligibility for school meals.
Payment - Payment for school meals must be made online in advance of any meals taken.
To register online, make payments and order meals please click below
Free Milk
Children under the age of 5 years old are entitled to free school milk. For pupils older than 5 years, families can pay for them to receive milk. Pupils entitled to Free School Meals can have free milk. Please speak to the school office if you wish your child to receive milk as this needs to be ordered by the school.