Welcome to Cameron Class Page
Welcome to Summer 1 in Cameron Class.
Here you will find everything you need to know about Cameron Class and what we will be learning this term. If you need to get in touch, please email me, or arrange a meeting via myself or the school office.
This term, in history, we will be learning about the history of Shoreham Village. We will be looking at how it has changed over time. In Science, we will be learning about the Earth and beyond.
Our PE days are:
- Monday - outdoor-Cricket and Rounders
- Friday - swimming
All pupils should wear their named PE kit to school on these days.
- school sports polo shirt
- plain black shorts/ black jog pants
- school black fleece ( especially for outdoor PE)
- plain black plimsolls or trainers, white socks.
If you wear jewellery, please remove it before school on PE days.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and will be due on the following Wednesday.
You will be asked to learn your spellings, read daily, complete a section of your maths book and there will be another activity.
Please complete a test in your book-either A B or C. You are welcome to complete more, if you have time. A is fluency based, B a bit of both, and C is mainly reasoning. Why don't you mix it up each week?! You are also asked to practice your times tables each week-even if you have already been awarded your Gold/ Platinum won't hurt to brush up on them!
Most weeks there will be a spelling pattern- but if not, please could you learn spellings from the Y3/4 & Year 5/6 list.
In Cameron Class we are keen readers. We love to read both fiction and non-fiction texts. We are developing our reading skills every day. At school, we read for at least 15 minutes every day to help develop our confidence as well as the enjoyment of reading. We would also like you to be reading for 20 minutes at home, Monday to Friday, to help build your reading stamina.
Once you have finished reading a book, you must complete a book review please.
Other important information:
- Please remember to bring a coat every day in the winter months. And check that it is labelled!
- Please bring a named water bottle to school every day. We have a LOT of the same water bottles- so please name them!
Please email the class email if you have any questions, or try to grab me in the morning/ afternoon or arrange an appointment via the office.
Learning links
Mathletics -
(log in details in homework book & reading record)
BBC Bitesize helpful videos for maths:
Year 5 Maths - BBC Bitesize Year 6 Maths - BBC Bitesize
Top Marks (inc Hit the Button- times tables help)
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
BBC Bitesize helpful videos for English:
Year 5 English - BBC Bitesize Year 6 English - BBC Bitesize
Games for spelling and grammar -
Purple Mash - Purple Mash by 2Simple
Grosvenor Hall 2022 - Day 3
Grosvenor Hall 2022 - Day 2
Grosvenor Hall 2022 - Day 1
Cameron Music
Cameron Class have composed a piece of music in C Major